The Warning Signs of Food Intolerance


1). Tiredness, drowsiness, no energy:
Feeling continuously tired and out of sorts is often due to food intolerance.
When your body is busy trying to process foods it is not equipped to digest - there is no energy left for normal day-to-day activities - like walking, thinking . . . and living.


2). Frequent headache or migraines:
The slight inflammatory response caused by sensitivity to certain foods (like yeasts, gluten, dairy etc.) causes headache in many of us. Continuing to eat those foods means you will keep getting the headaches. But when you get your diet right  - the headaches stop . . . so you won't need the meds or supplements any more.


3). Stomach bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence:  

All these including the well known Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are common symptoms of food intolerance. What's more  - they can be the first warning signals of disease - if left untreated. But when you discover your problem foods and avoid them - the symptoms vanish and your risk of disease later in life is much reduced.  


4). Mouth ulcers: 
These are the hallmarks of an immune system under stress. When you eat foods your body cannot process - unrecognized proteins are produced. Your immune system senses an invasion and starts fighting (inflammation). This leaves you short of defenses and vulnerable to common infections including mouth ulcers.
If you get mouth ulcers - you probably have food intolerance.

5). Chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma, colds and flu:

Respiratory conditions are often related to food intolerance. Once again it is the immune system responding by generating inflammation - this time in the lungs and nasal passages. But getting the diet right alleviates symptoms permanently. This is especially important for children who might otherwise miss learning opportunities. 

6). Eczema, psoriasis and chronic skin conditions:

Many people are surprised to find out that food intolerance can cause skin conditions like  eczema.   


This and  psoriasis  are just other forms of inflammation. Moving to the correct diet allows the skin to heal naturally. Clear skin is important to anyone - but especially so for children and teenagers who are still developing self esteem.


7). Aching joints, backache

When you have food intolerance your body is unable to fully digest certain foods. Unexpected products are generated - and some of them are not recognized as 'friendly' by your immune system. So an immune response takes place - inflammation - and this can settle in the leg joints (leg pain) or joints of the spine (backache, arthritis).


8). Gradual weight gain - or weight loss

When you have unrecognized food intolerance - your thyroid gland can be affected. That means your metabolism gets disrupted. The thyroid gland processes your food either into energy (to burn) or into fat (to be stored for later use).

Mixed up signals means you 'store' when you should be 'burning' (weight gain)

or vice versa. People who seem to stay thin regardless of what they eat probably have undiagnosed food intolerance - because they are unable to absorb nutrients from food.


9). Tinea or Yeast (Candida) infections

If you get fungal infections like thrush, jock itch, ring worm or athlete's foot - it is a hallmark of untreated food intolerance. When your immune system is busy fighting half-digested things it thinks are 'foreign' - your defences are down.

That's when fungal infections like candida albicans jump in and flourish.

If you do get fungal infections, deal with the Yeast issue first - by ridding your body of candida (fungal infection) - then tackle the underlying food intolerance. 



10). Clumsiness, lack of co-ordination

Just as food intolerance creates inflammation and disruption in the joints and the some vital organs - the nervous system can also be affected. Your muscles are controlled by the nervous system - and when it cannot function properly you become uncoordinated and clumsy.


Clumsiness is often noticed among children . . . but switching to the correct diet can bring dramatic improvements.


11). Depression, mood swings - or the 'blues'

Studies indicate all of the four main food intolerances are linked to early stage depression: dairy, fructose, yeast and gluten. Depression strikes adults - and increasingly - teenagers, and even younger children.

However when you track down the culprit food - and substitute it healing begins almost immediately.